Plugins are windows dll build
with MMB SDK (software development kit). Plugins expands the
functionality of MMB.
Plugins can behave the same way as other objects. This section is for developers. The plugins are compiled using VC++ and the MMB SDK. If you are user of some MMB plugin please refer to the documentation included with the plugin.
Note: The MMB plugins are dll's and plugins made for MMB. Other plugins like plugins for Photoshop will be not working !
To load plugin: Menu Object - Plug In - draw plugin rectangle on the work area
The rectangle says: Plugin
(Empty), double click on it and from the properties window
you can load the dll.
Dll can be external or
embedded. If the plugin DLL stays external, you don't have to
write <SrcDir> if the plugin will be in the same
directory as the autorun.exe or in the subdirectory
After you load the DLL, MMB
will ask you if you want to use embed the plugin or not. If
you select yes, the plugin will be embedded.
Plugin can have its own
properties. If this is the case of the plugin - the
Plugin properties will be enabled.
Also some plugins require one,
two or three bitmaps to be loaded - then the Image 1...3 will
be enabled.
The plugins for MMB are in the
sub-directory Plugins. By default there is only one sample
plugin TenBlobs.dll
Script Action: Plugin can have also a script on click assigned to it. If user clicks on the Plugin Object this script runs.
Some plugins (like standard
Dll's) doesn't require any MMB interface and they don't
display anything as objects.
For example dll which has its
own separate window or dll, which play some special sound
format etc..
There are few Functions in the
script for such dll's or plugins:
You load dll without MMB
interface as a plugin (use PluginRun("PlugIn","GlobalVoidFunction")), the properties will say Unknown
Interface but you can still run a global void functions from
See SDK for more info. The
first parameter is the loaded Plugin object. The DLL doesn't
have to be made with the SDK.
See more info about plugins and plugins related scripting commands here.